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3.6. Domande Cloze

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This article serves as a reference guide for forming cloze (embedded) quiz questions.

1. From within your question bank, click Create new question and select Cloze. Click Next.

2. Give the question a name in the “Question name” field.
3. In the "Question text" box, simply begin typing the question and follow with the answering format using the syntax below.
Answering Format:


{<Point_Value>:<QUESTION_TYPE>:<Answer1 Wrong>#<Answer1_Feedback>~<Answer2 Wrong>#<Answer2_Feedback>~=<Answer3_Correct>#<Answer3_Feedback>~%50%<Answer that gives half the credit>#Feedback for half credit answer}

Point_Value Description
Any Integer Number of points you would like the question to be worth
Blank Defaults point value of 1


MULTICHOICE or MC Multiple choice question with answers in the form of a dropdown box
MULTICHOICE_H or MCH Multiple choice question with answers laid out horizontally
MULTICHOICE_V or MCV Multiple choice question with answers laid out vertically
SHORTANSWER or SA or MW Short answer questions where case does not matter
SHORTANSWER_C or SAC or MWC Short answer questions where case does matter
NUMERICAL or NM Numerical question

Answer Syntax Description
{ Marks beginning of cloze sub question
  • Separates Point_Value and QUESTION_TYPE
  • Separates QUESTION_TYPE and Answer1
# Precedes feedback for answer
~ Separates answers
= Precedes correct answer
%<Number 1 - 100>%

Precedes partially correct answer and awards percentage (number between <>) of question Point_Value


~%50%Half credit answer#Feedback if this answer is chosen

* Used for SHORTANSWER question type as a wild card answer to provide feedback for any response not matching other options
} Marks end of cloze sub question
Numerical Answers Syntax Description

Separates tolerance from answer;



Means full credit is given for answers between 23.7 and 23.9

Example from Moodle Docs

This question consists of some text with an answer embedded right here {1:MULTICHOICE:Wrong answer#Feedback for this wrong answer~Another wrong answer#Feedback for the other wrong answer~=Correct answer#Feedback for correct answer~%50%Answer that gives half the credit#Feedback for half credit answer}

and right after that you will have to deal with this short answer {1:SHORTANSWER:Wrong answer#Feedback for this wrong answer~=Correct answer#Feedback for correct answer~%50%Answer that gives half the credit#Feedback for half credit answer}

and finally we have a floating point number {2:NUMERICAL:=23.8:0.1#Feedback for correct answer 23.8~%50%23.8:2#Feedback for half credit answer in the nearby region of the correct answer}.

The  multichoice question can also be shown in the vertical display of the standard moodle multiple choice. {2:MCV:1. Wrong answer#Feedback for this wrong answer~2. Another wrong answer#Feedback for the other wrong answer~=3. Correct answer#Feedback for correct answer~%50%4. Answer that gives half the credit#Feedback for half credit answer}

Or in an horizontal display that is included here in a table {2:MCH:a. Wrong answer#Feedback for this wrong answer~b. Another wrong answer#Feedback for the other wrong answer~=c. Correct answer#Feedback for correct answer~%50%d. Answer that gives half the credit#Feedback for half credit answer}

A shortanswer question where case must match. Write moodle in upper case letters {1:SHORTANSWER_C:moodle#Feedback for moodle in lower case ~=MOODLE#Feedback for MOODLE in upper case ~%50%Moodle#Feedback for only first letter in upper case}

Note that addresses like and smileys :-) all work as normal:

a) How good is this? {:MULTICHOICE:=Yes#Correct~No#We have a different opinion}

b) What grade would you give it? {3:NUMERICAL:=3:2}

The previous example previews as:


4. Click the button, Decode and verify the question text, and the questions should be laid out below to verify.
5. You can find more examples and information at Moodle Docs page on creating Cloze Quiz Questions.